It’s all about YOUR story. 

Your new business has taken over your life for the last goodness how long knows and now it’s out there. It’s real and happening and sometimes you can’t quite believe it’s happened. Woohoo!!

You have to tell the world what you’ve been up to and SHOW them what it looks like to work with you – just like I’m doing through this blog post 🙂

I met Lisa about a year ago at a Girl Tribe Gang meeting and we’d chatted and got to know one another. Her business at that point was a fledgling one, still getting samples made and deciding on colours. But I knew it was going to fly. 

Lisa needed images that told the story of her designs, from ideas and drawings to the finished product. So we started at the beginning. 

Whilst pregnant with her first child, Lisa,  discovered that it was impossible to find fashionable maternity clothing that could be worn to the office, for an evening out, or for an occasion. The clothing available lacked style, was ill-fitting and of poor quality. Much of it was also expensive. An expense that was difficult to justify given that it could only be worn for the months of pregnancy.

A former Fashion Buyer, it was important to her that she retained her sense of self and continued to feel stylish during her pregnancy. Stylish clothing made using high quality fabrics that can be worn during pregnancy, whilst breastfeeding, and for years afterwards!

I really enjoyed Lisa’s shoot, I think she has a great story and Adelie Maternity is already going from strength to strength!

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